Sunday, April 29, 2018


I can't be bothered.
So if you regularly look in on these scribblings, dear reader, be prepared for more in the same vein.
I think the implication was clear in my last post but it does no harm to confirm there will be no outstanding change to this blog format now, nor will there be any gesture towards gender or race equality. I don't give a toss what sex, race or religion anybody is, they are either someone I would care to know or someone I wouldn't. I tend to avoid the latter, even on the television screen.
That's what the remote is for.
I am using the remote more often.
Perhaps it is age (last week my Leader gently reminded me I am only three years short of ninety) but I have a deal less patience with television now.
Programmers, under whatever title they currently pose, have dumbed down standards to the lowest possible level of viewer intelligence and presenters - with a few marked exceptions - are cheerfully complicit in this: well, the pay's good and you can go a long way if you are a television face. Look at Donald Trump (who I specifically mention only to honour a promise made in my last post). 
I don't watch even the British version of The Apprentice. If you do, I'm sorry.
 The kids are back at school and we are subject to a daily visit from Roz's dog, Buddy, who is lovely and jampacked with energy and unpredictable and everything an eleven month old puppy will invariably be, plus a bit more.
I think we are beginning to get used to each other.
I never did get the computer lifeboat captain's advice on blog change after his confinement with the heavy cold.
Things just got in the way.
He has now sailed off with Pauline for a week's holiday in the Cotswolds.
 Drive carefully. Don't trust other people's indicators!

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