Tuesday, October 31, 2017


I have been

less than assiduous in the writing department of late.The intention has been there but the execution has too often wavered.
It could be the onset of winter; it could be the thought of that bloody hour changing again; it could even be just an age thing (it would be daft not to admit, sometimes, that I'm getting on a bit).
Rule out that most pretentious excuse for idleness, writer's block, though. I prefer the word ennui.
And that's enough introspection for now:
let's move on...
Everything seems to have become disturbingly more expensive of late. Here on the Isle of Wight, England (I name the country for the benefit of any nice American reader who may automatically assume I am sitting at a desk in Virginia) we are not short of large supermarkets. Since Mo and I moved over here in 1968 their presence has increased at a rate far beyond anyone's wildest speculation: much the same goes for their prices.
In view of the limited off-season population of the island (140,500 in 2010) whether they are all making a profit has to be open to question.
I can only assume there is so much money about (on an island packed with pensioners which for years has endured one of the highest unemployment rates in Britain?) and their profit margins are so high, that nothing can sink them.
If all else fails, brass neck will see them through.
Which reminds me of the many nonstop charity organisations already begging for Christmas donations. Let's move on...
Wrote in Post 277
that I would maybe include friend Anne's painting of feet and the rest at the end of the month.
Here it is and isn't it good?
My current viewing is decidedly haphazard.
So The Walking Dead is back (series 8) and in the very first episode Rick (Andrew Lincoln) had Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in his sights and could have shot him dead.
He should have.
That he didn't is what is wrong with every one of those television series that began life as an American comic book. None of them makes the slightest damned sense.
Oh, I'll still watch.
My Leader's love of quiz shows has me occasionally looking in on Eggheads for all its glaring faults.
The format still needs a change to even out the balance of the questions.
How much more does the opposition need to know about the weakest subject of every indivdual Egg? The director/producer (whoever) of the programme should desist from encouraging (instructing?) presenter Jeremy Vine to openly side with the opposition, too.
(Dermot Murnaghan clearly had the same brief.)
And it's about time dear old Chris Hughes retired from the scene. He now spends more time in the banished box (mostly thanks to sport - which he loves not) than he does on the panel.
He should have gone gracefully when Daphne Fowler did.
And for gawdsake don't ever lose Kevin Ashman.
He is the Eggheads
Happy bonfire night to you all. Mind those beards!


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