Friday, November 30, 2018


Don't tell me this country of ours really cares who drowns in The Channel. I don't think your average little Englander gives a toss how many desperate beings sink trying to get here, providing they sink without trace and don't wash up on our beaches.
Truth is, we live in an increasingly ruthless and uncaring world where devil take the hindmost has become the sad norm. It has given rise to an international upsurge in blinkered nationalism and, to those of us born before world war 2, ominously presages what could be the first world war of the twenty first century.
For the sake of humanity, all of you, wake up and bear in mind: it only takes one bonkers-in-the-head politician to press a button or elevated nutcase to say the wrong word!
Our Roz. Last chemo undergone with all the unpleasant after effects that follow. She's a gradely fighter. So far as future living arrangements are concerned, her en suite here is now underway thanks to...
Stuart the builder partner of our lovely hairdresser friend Maxine Boyd-kerr (we've been pals for over twenty years) who, although he knew Mo and I only through our lengthy friendship with Maxie, kindly stepped in to allay our fears that we would never be suitably adapted to accommodate Roz and Ellis when their removal time arrives.
We will now. He's doing a great job.
Blessyer, mate.
The Walking Dead
(SPOILER) This series reached the halfway mark and took another step in the direction of let's kill off all the limeys with the weird murder of British actor Tom Payne (above) who played Paul 'Jesus' Rovia.
He was, I fear, too good looking to last.
Long-time cast member Andrew Lincoln, another Brit, was spirited away a couple of weeks ago along with Pollyanna McIntosh, a Scottish actress who played the unpredictable 'trash queen,' but room has been left for the return of either or both of them.
The departure of these Brits can be no surprise to any viewer of The Talking Dead fronted by lively Chris Hardwick.
On a couple of occasions over the years he has griped (albeit in mock fun) “Why do we employ all these Brits? Our actors can't go over there and get jobs on Downton Abbey.”
Had I been close enough to give him a reply I would have said: “No, your actors just take over our West End theatres and finish up buying the bloody Downton Abbeys.”
C'est la vie.
Mind how you go. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018


My Leader. 
It was Maureen's birthday on Monday (she's the non-furry one in the picture with the cat Shadow). 
There were no expensive gifts and the weather wasn't great, but she had a nice little bunch of cards, the phone didn't stop ringing all day and there was much kindness and love and being visited. 
A happy day. 
The cat Shadow. 
Dear old Shadow (he's the furry one in the picture with Maureen) is around 22/23 years old now and, bless 'im, starts to act it. 
He sleeps more, miaows more and eats less. 
We have been together since the start of the century and have lauded and cursed each other in equal measure. His time in our company is clearly more important to him at present than ever before and he has been the most dedicated family cat ever to adopt us. If he kicks the bucket before I do a piece of my heart will go with him. Let's move on to something lighthearted. 
Our Jess. 
Granddaughter Jess, one of Maureen's birthday visitors, who recently moved into her own home in Ryde, celebrates her twenty third birthday next week and has asked whether her get-together might be held at our house.  
Answer: Yes, of course. 
It will be another happy day: Mo will see to that. 
In the meantime, lovely Jess has published the following on Facebook: 
Story - 
For my birthday this year I'm asking for donations to Stand Up To Cancer. As some/all of you know, my mum was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer which, to be honest, has been less than ideal. Luckily she's doing really well but it is important that research into all different types of cancer continues, so that survival rates can continue to improve. Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) brings together today's top scientists to collaborate. Our mission is to make every cancer patient a cancer survivor. Every little helps – thank you. 
Jess Daisy White - 14 November 2018. 
Facebook itself is among the early contributors. 
We couldn't be more proud of her or her mother. 
Our Roz
Roz has seen her consultant today and has been assured that, in her case, both breasts can be removed and restructured. This is the best news she has had since treatment began. 
She will be given her last session of chemo next week and the operation will take place early in January 2019. 
Your kind thoughts are much appreciated, nice people. 
That's all for now. 
I'll be back with the rest of the world next time