Saturday, June 28, 2014

2 (8) Still struggling with the technicalities.

I may well regret it later, but for this Post I have abandoned my practise of composing the lot outside the blog and transferring it, copy and paste, to the New Post page, I think the Google Blog rule makers probably frowned upon it and, if the haphazard appearance of Post 2 (7) is anything to go by, it can cock up the publication process something rotten. That having been said, if this lot comes out so small you need a bloody magnifying glass to read it, I'll be off back to Times Roman 20 and sod the rules.
Douglas revisited.
I thought I might get a picture of the travelling hamster Douglas and here he is. Beggars belief how swiftly he acclimatized to the tartan and everything it represents. He, Neil and Pauline very much enjoyed their holiday in Scotland. It shows, don't it?
Fiddling with Facebook.
The clearly competent staff at Facebook are sending me regular reminders that nice people wait for me to read their Facebook missives and, presumably, say:  "I like what I have read and this is what I think..."
But, y'know, I really don't care that England have been knocked out of the football...everyone expected it...or that some overpaid South American diva bit another player. Why don't they just tell the bugger he can't come back here, Liverpool or no Liverpool?  (Yeah, I know, pie in the sky.) I also, long ago, ceased to follow cricket except to cast a casual glance towards the County results to see how Hampshire are doing. And now it's tennis again. Not much mention of that on Facebook so far. Well, most of my lot couldn't afford the strawberries and cream, let alone a ticket for Wimbledon.
Upshot is, my technically inexpert attempts at social toing and froing drag me well out of my comfort zone. I don't even text on the telephone. I like the funny messages sent by many of those who do, though. Some folk are so clever.
Miles Jupp.
Mention of folk who are clever brings me neatly to the former Balamory pink castle owner and inventor Miles Jupp  (Archie) whose current stand-up tour brought him to the Medina Theatre, here in Newport I.W., last Friday evening. Son Neil had tickets and invited me along. I gladly accepted the invitation. Mr. Jupp is a gently funny Englishman with a quietly wicked delivery. In the first half he talked about his family and four children aged between four and one. ("You can do the figures for yourselves."). After the interval he spoke of the Balamory days and how he had not actually owned a pink castle on a fictional Scottish island. There were few belly laughs, but we chuckled from beginning to end and not many modern comics can bring that off. Take any chance you may get to see him. I'm so glad I did.
That's it for now. 
Two posts in one month. Am I setting a precedent? Perhaps.. See how this little lot works out.

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