Thursday, June 23, 2016


Though this may go.
If you keep the occasonal eye on these scribblings
you will know that lately I have been droning on
about the many changes to our country since I was born. 
The opportunity to vote whether or not Britain remains in Europe has highlighted certain things that never seem to change: think connivance, class distinction, elitism, jingoism and, lest we forget, hatred. There will always be sociopaths, religious nutters and those nursing grudges who, when their innate evil or progressive insanity takes total control, behave in lethal fashion to others. The latest victim of what seems to be an insane hate crime is the mother of two small children, Jo Cox, who was murdered on the sixteenth of this month, six days before her 42nd birthday. It was a barbaric act. By all accounts, Mrs. Cox was a hard-working and highly respected young MP. Her alleged attacker, a male who is now in police custody, also stabbed an elderly man who tried to defend her. How long legal proceedings will take is anybody's guess, but if the attacker is found guilty he should put away forever. 
Since 1863 we have retained proven offenders at Broadmoor Hospital (above) or (from 1912 and the 1970s respectively), Rampton and Ashworth. This never should and, I hope, never will change.
The vote is on. 
By tomorrow we will know whether we are still in the EU. Our family seems to be divided, half In and half Out. That particularly applies to Maureen and I. 
If every pair in GB votes like us it will be stalemate. 
Good luck to you, however you voted.
Back later in the month, come what may. 

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