Sunday, December 15, 2019

Post 340. SO THAT'S IT THEN.


And the Tories won with a massive majority which will see them in power for at least five more years. 
Clearly the electorate disliked Corbyn even more than it distrusted Johnson. 
Now sit back and wait for the blatant lies, the broken promises, the blanking of the underdog, the disregard for public services, the systematic dismantling of the BBC and NHS, and the shameless kowtowing to a fat reality television twat in America. Make no mistake, it's all in the pipeline now. I trust none of them. 
Get Brexit done? 
It's Christmas, hence the slight lateness of this post. 
My Leader and I spent yesterday writing Christmas cards to people we like and respect. If you don't get one it won't be because we don't like and respect you, it will be because we are getting older and increasingly lapse into forgetfulness. 
Ah well. Age is a bugger, but it still beats the alternative.
Anyway, whether you're on the card list or not, if you are reading this, I hope you'll have a joyous, heartwarming festive season. Happy Christmas to you! 

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