Thursday, March 19, 2020


Pamela Rose Boys 1936 – 2020. 
I sadly record the death of one of Maureen's two remaining sisters, Pamela, who died in the Q.A. Hospital, Portsmouth on 25 February. 
Pam was a lively character whose often oblique turn of phrase never disguised a heart of gold. She enjoyed amateur dramatics, singing, crosswords, and, at their annual “all the sisters” holiday on the Isle of Wight, a daily swim in Puckpool swimming pool with her sister Marg. She outlived three husbands, by whom she had four children, and she will be sadly missed by the entire family. 
RIP, Pam, you were a one-off.
The funeral. 
Pam's funeral was held at The Oaks Havant crematorium on Monday 16 March. We had every intention of attending and arrangements had been resolved for the trip to the mainland.
Then came the updates on COVID-19 and a warning (by scientists from Imperial College, London, no less) of the extreme danger it posed to the elderly and anyone with an existing health condition. Three quarters of the inhabitants of this house come into that category. My flippant conclusion that “It isn't WW3” became sadly inappropriate.
In the event, we and other vulnerable family members, here and on the mainland, made our apologies and stayed at home. Pam's children were extremely kind about it and I know Pam would have understood. 
A small contingent of nieces and nephews did go from the Island so we were not entirely without representation. Thank you Babs, Vic and James.
This has been a very personal post. 
Back next time to as near normal as the wretched epidemic will allow. 
Go safely or don't go at all. 

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