Dave: 380 Angel. the cat: 357, 367,390, 395 Appleton, John: 371, 374,
376 Appleton, Sheila: 374 Aristotle: 396 Atlas, the cat: 395
Attenborough, David: 384 Bakewell, Joan: 380 Barenboim, Daniel: 384
Barnden, Jac: 365, 374, 381, 389, 395 Barnden, Kym: 360 Barnden, Mo:
354, 359, 368, 371, 375, 384, 398, 399 Barnden, Neil: 375, 395
Barnden, Pauline: 375 Barnden, Roz: 352, 357, 359, 362, 363, 364,
366, 368,374,386, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 397 Barnden, William: 396
Barrow, Clyde: 366 Bean, Sean: 399 Beard, Mary: 357, 396 Berenson,
Saul: 353, 356 Bhaskar, Sanjeev: 388 Biden, Joe: 374 Bolton,
Michael: 357, 390 Booth, Webster: 365 Branagh, Kenneth: 381
Brightman, Sarah: 384 Bronson, Charles: 385 Brown, Johnny Mack 353
Brown, Wally: 368 Brown, Claire: 368 Bryson, Bill: 381 Buddy, the
dog: 357,367,390, 397, 398 Butler, Phil: 371, 376, 381, 384 Byrne,
Gabriel: 353 Campbell, Alistair: 360 Carter, Joelle: 375 Catz,
Caroline: 399 Chan, Catherine: 385 Charles, HRH Prince: 359 Child,
Lee: 367 Churchill, Winston: 356 Connolly, Billy: 374 Considine,
Paddy: 371 Costner, Kevin: 366 Cotton, Billy: 353 Craven, M.W. 387,
391 Creasey, John: 375 Cummings, Dominic: 359, 360 Curtiz, Michael:
362 Daheley, Tina: 362 Danes, Claire: 353 Davison, Peter: 369 Dayer,
Ellis (grandson) 357, 359, 368, 374, 390,392, 395 Deam, Jack: 399 de
Havilland, Olivia: 362 Dench, Judie: 388 Derham, Katie: 383, 396
Diamond, Anne: 373 Dillow, Ian: 352, 371, 376,386, Dillow, Jean:
352,386, Donohoe, Peter: 356, 359, 384 Durante, Jimmy: 279
Eastwood, Clint: 358 Edwards, Sue: 392 Egan, Peter: 388 Elliott,
Harold Charles: 372 Elliott, Fiona: 376 Fields, Dorothy: 399 Fields,
Gracie: 396 Flanagan and Allen: 396 Gillen, Aiden: 355 Gnann, Moritz:
396 Goggins, Walton: 375 Graham, Stephen: 399 Gray, Effie: 353
Hancock, Matt: 362 Hanks, Tom: 385 Harding, Daniel: 399 Hardy,
Robert: 369 Harrelson, Woody: 366 Harry and Meghan: 358 Herriot,
James: 369 Higson, Charlie: 369 Hollywood, Paul: 363 Hynek, J. Allen:
355 Izzard, Eddie:388Johnson, Boris: 355, 364, 374, 382 Johnson,
Samuel: 387 Kane, Harry: 398 King Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson: 396
Kuusisto, Pekka: 355 Ladd, Alan: 362 Ladd, David: 362 Lassgård,
Rolf: 381 Law, Jude: 371 Lawrance, Brian: 396 Lehar, Franz: 365
Leonard, Elmore: 375 Levit, Igor: 399 Lowe, Andrea: 399 Luke, Thomas:
356 Madeley, Anna: 369 Malofeev, Alexander: 365 Margolyes, Miriam:
374 Mathison, Carrie: 353, 356 McGovern, Elizabeth: 353 Mitchell,
David: 388, 391 Mitchell, Victoria Coren: 391 Moore, Grace: 365
Morgan, Hilarie Burton: 389 Morgan, Jeffrey Dean: 389 Morgan, Sian:
390 Mortimer, Bob: 369 Newman, Paul: 366 Ogden, John: 384 Olyphant,
Timothy: 375 Parker, Bonnie: 366 Patinkin, Mandy: 353 Patten, Vincent
Van: 385 Pavarotti, Luciano: 357 Plant, Jim: 360 Pope, Bill: 363, 383
Pratchett, Terry: 391 Preece, Nat: 368 Preece, Moira: 368 Prince
Philip: 389 Pullman, Philip: 356 Queen Victoria: 361 Ralph, Nicholas:
369 Rankin, Ian: 367, 381, 382, 396 Rashford, Marcus: 399 Rawicz and
Landauer 353 Rea, Neill: 375 Redford, Robert: 366 Rhodes, Cecil: 383
Rigg, Diana: 369 Robinson, Peter: 399 Rook, Clive: 352 Rowling, J.K.
356, 361 Ruskin, John: 353 Sachar, Lpuis: 356 Saka, Bukayo: 399
Sampson, Nick: 375 Sancho, Jadon: 399 Schama, Simon: 357, 361
Schmeichel, Kasper: 398 Schmidt, Joseph: 365 Schotz, Susanne: 381,
382 Serkis, Andy: 385 Shadow, the cat: 368 Simply Red: 352
Southgate, Gareth: 399 Soward, Pat: 368 Spark, Muriel: 396 Spike, the
cat: 357, 367, 368, 390, 395 Shenton, Rachel: 369 Statham, Jason:
362, 385 Sterling, Raheem: 398, 399 Stott, Ken: 367 Sturgeon,
Nicola: 382 Sutherland, Fern: 375 Tauber, Richard: 365 Taylor, Pana
Hema: 375 Thompson, Emma: 353 Timothy, Christopher: 369 Toksvig,
Sandi: 371 Tommaso, Freddie De: 395 Tompkinson, Stephen: 399 Trump,
Donald: 355, 374 Vine, Jeremy: 362, 373 Vogt, Lars: 359 Walker,
Nicola: 388 Wall, Kim: 381 Walsh, Barney: 374 Walsh, Bradley, 374
Waterston, Katherine. 371 Webber, Andrew Lloyd: 384 Wesley, Mary: 356
West, Samuel: 369 White, Daryl: 390 White, Jessica: 375, 390, 392,
395, 397 White, T.H. 356 Whitehouse, Paul: 369 Whitfield, David: 395
Woodman, George: 356 Woodhouse, Callum: 369 Woods, Mike: 389, 395
Zengel, Helena 385 Ziegler, Anne: 365