Sunday, December 31, 2023

Post 494. ON THIS DAY IN 2022.


The economy is in a heap. Most of the public services are - understandably - going on strike. It's not a brighter Britain Those are the exact words I wrote on the last day of December 2022. Naively I thought it might improve. Huh!.
But we really are the lucky ones. The above picture of just about everywhere in Gaza at the moment shows what a complete nightmare some other countries have become. Don't tell me the innocent humans there - or in a previously peaceful country like Ukraine – are somehow responsible for the desecration heaped upon them, The perpetrators – of whatever race or creed - are insane warmongers: there is neither excuse nor need for their excessive brutality. I fear they are determined on yet another world war.
And from the point of view of one who lived through the 1939/45 upheaval, I would advise newscasters that the sentence: “Hamas, referred to as a terrorist organization by the UK government” is information when it is first announced, a reminder the second time around, and propaganda thereafter. In WW2 the authorities took our garden railings away for no effin reason other than propaganda: they couldn't be recycled for anything useful to the war effort. So I regard propaganda as a waste of space: much like advertising.
All of which is enough for this year. 
Watched the box of course and decided the best film was A Boy Called Christmas:
but more of that in the New Year
Which I do hope will be a good one for you.

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