Wednesday, November 01, 2006

44. Foolproof - until some fool proves otherwise...


News this morning that Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, University of Leicester(UK) inventor of DNA genetic fingerprinting, has expressed concern about the vast number of DNA records currently kept on file.
He was particularly concerned that many were of people innocent of any crime.
The DNA database in Britain is growing at a rate of 40,000 profiles a month.
With respect to ol' Bill Petersen and Co. (and to all the real CSI folk out there), I do worry a little about the possible flaws in any new identification system.
If the only flaw is over-zealous record keeping it is still a flaw.
It has been reported that our Prime Minister would like to see the whole country recorded on the DNA database.
He and his colleagues also talk of requiring every citizen to carry an identity card.
We had identity cards in the 39 - 45 war.
They were a waste of time then and they would be now..
So the Prime minister and his colleagues can bugger off.
The idea that any system could be foolproof worries me anyway.

A thing is only foolproof until some fool proves otherwise.


Concerned mother and cop Caroline Quentin is back on the box as DCI Janine Lewis in Blue Murder.
The title could be taken as a reflection on what the writers are trying to get away with.
It's OK as police shows go.
Very English.
Very Caroline.

I liked her better in Jonathan Creek.


The boss in this is quirky cop Mandy Patinkin with his glasses on the end of his nose.
Don't think I've talked about it before.
May have done.
Can't remember.
There are so many of these cold case things.
Know I've talked about that before.
Anyway, it's very American.
Very Mandy.

And I liked him better when he was singing.

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