Sunday, October 15, 2023

Post 488. SO FAR IN


In a desert, some three miles from the wall separating Gaza from southern Israel, Hamas killers murdered hundreds of  attendees (mostly Israeli) at a music festival, and took over a hundred hostage. It was another example of human insanity bringing grief to a vast number of innocents and joy only to the killers. Any belief that condones murder and kidnap is a shit belief. 
But two wrongs do not make a right, and retaliation in kind will not end this awful conflict. Those who think wars solve problems will wipe out this world long before climate change puts paid to it.
And Britain need have nothing to do with it. The 'sending a gunboat' days should be long over. 
Enough of enmity: let us turn to...
We were delighted to see Anne Wilkening at the weekend. Anne, on her way back to Cornwall from a course at West Dene College in Sussex, took the IW detour briefly to visit old friends. 
We are very old friends. The house in which we live was - many years ago - Doctor Anne's surgery: a single-handed practice. Mo was a receptionist. When Anne retired to Cornwall a Newport practice rented the property until, around ten years ago, new premises were built in the centre of the village, With Anne's blessing we then bought the house. We're comfortable here. The building has been around a while and there is a decent sized garden. Now the 'new' surgery in the village is falling apart and will have to be  pulled down. So much for forward thinking, eh?
Anyway, it was lovely to have Anne back here for a while again. She is a cherished friend.
At the weekend I also telephoned old mate in Pitlochry, Bill Harrison who, when last I phoned him, was having considerable difficulty with his hearing. Sadly, the old lad is now totally deaf.
He talked to me for as long as it took to bring me up to date with his latest situation, and rang off with the words "I don't know who I've been talking to..."
But, as I said last time, he is managing. I shall just have to write to him. 
And on a lighter note...
It is heard with monotonous regularity nowadays, and is a mild alternative to 'bloody hell!' and suchlike substitutes. I avoid it. Don't like cliche and nothing surprises me any more.
Which is all I have to say, except that today is our little buddy Hannah's birthday.
Oh Wow! Many Happy Returns, lovely Hans. Hope you have a great day! 

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