Sunday, October 15, 2006

37. A bit of a week


Wire In The Blood finished on Wednesday evening with forensic psychologist Robson Green being suspected of making that way-back-in-the-past mistake which may have put an innocent man in prison.

Sound familiar? Yep, it was of course the stock mistake which all TV heroes are suspected of making when plot lines are thin in any crime series. One gained the impression that the wire could be getting a bit rusty.

There was a far-fetched but ingenious get-out for our hero, however, and by my marking system this episode of Scriptwriters v Robson ended in a draw.

I hope ol' Robson will be back, though - if only to show two fingers to Ricky Gervais.


The result of the other match of the evening was forecast by the cat Shadow who ate his supper and departed through the catflap with the comment: 'I'm off. It'll be a win for the home side. You might as well go to bed.'

I didn't stay up.


Gordon Ramsay was guest host in the first of a new series of this popular programme.

Clearly nervous and presumably warned to moderate his language, he struggled manfully as Paul Merton performed the hatchet job he does so well on all guest hosts.

I was again reminded that no matter how famous I was, or how much my agent thought we needed the money, nothing on earth would persuade me to take on the task of hosting this show.

So why do I think that neither Paul Merton nor Ian Hislop will ever accept an invitation to be a guest cook in Gordon Ramsay's kitchen?

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