Sunday, October 22, 2006

40. Guilty as charged - almost.


I am still floundering disgracefully with this blog lark and have just managed to:
(1) publish a post with only the title written on it,
(2) finish up with two titles on the previous post and
(3) erase my next effort half way through.

When I first started (somewhen in July) I remember writing that
The Independent columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown wondered why bloggers wrote at such length.
Why did they do it at all?
Would they not be better occupied reading?
Making love?
Watching television?

Well, she's usually right.
And the answer had to be: of course they would.

I recollect pointing out as a personal defence, however, that I read all the time, am sadly of an age when making love is more often wishful thinking than wild abandon and that I spend far, far too much time watching television anyway.


Because when I managed to lose the blog/post/whatever that I talked about recently, I lost my reply to Yasmin A-B.
And I thought it wasn't a bad one for an oldy.
I stand guilty as charged - almost.

So Samuel Johnson rightly said: 'No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.'
But he could never have forsaken writing.
A writer writes, come what may.
There is no law to say that anybody has to read it.
Best wishes, Yasmin A-B.
They broke the mould...
Though I doubt you'll read it here.

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