Monday, October 25, 2021



Said he, following three coronavirus jabs, a flu jab, an ECG, a blood pressure check-up, and a blood test (please also bring a urine sample in a surgery supplied container). Nobody can say our surgery isn't working. I still have no idea what the doctor on whose list I was placed back in 2015 looks like, but I have seen a panoply of pleasant practice nurses so I'm not grumbling. 
Whether your local surgery is providing a service at all seems to be in the lap of the gods. General practice is currently in a shambles. There is an alarming shortage of GPs and, from the look of things, a disinclination on the part of those still active to be buggered about by London based bureaucrats. NHS Executive Councils (later known as Family Practitioner Committees) were also manned by bureaucrats, but they were locally based bureaucrats who could be confronted face-to-face when a doctor (or dentist, chemist, optician) had a grievance to air and, believe me, many of them did. So did a steady flow of unhappy members of the public. No point anyone looking for that source to express their discontent now. Gradually, in the drip drip drip of change wrought upon the NHS by respective governments over the years, all those sound, convenient, local offices have disappeared. I really don't blame doctors for rebelling against the ill-administered post Brexit shit heap they find themselves in, even if I do wonder why the almost secretly introduced offer of a whole lot of cash and a degree of autonomy (bequeathed them sometime ago) did not appear to have rung a solitary alarm bell among them. I can only hazard the guess that majority greed in their ranks outvoted minority common sense. And by then there would have been no sound local lay voices advising them, as some might have done, to proceed with the utmost caution if the Department of Health was offering enhanced profits for less work. When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Which is more or less what voted us out of the EU in 2016. But enough of that...
My Leader and I watched the four part Series 2 of GUILT (BBC iPlayer) and should have seen the first series before doing so. When the second series concluded we were no more aware of what it was all about than we had been when it started. We stayed with it right through, though, because the entire cast was excellent.
We also watched Josh Widdicombe and Judi Dench be suitably overcome at the discovery of who they are in Who Do You Think You Are (BBC1). We like them both and it came as no surprise that both are in some way linked to royalty. Aren't we all?     
And go carefully

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