Monday, March 26, 2018

Post 292. I'M SHADOW.

A poem by Himself.
Way back at posts 126, It's Poetry Week... and 135, Roofing at home... the old guy who puts cat food down for me published my A Stroll With a Musing Cat and Shadow - The Poetry Cat (a take on T.S. Eliot) respectively: there have been other ditties, too. It seems that people liked them, so now that he has given me a post all to myself, stand by for:

Shadow - The Feline Bard.

I'm Shadow, I write poetry,
A verse does not come hard
I'll write it leaning against a tree,
Or lounging in the yard.
I'll write it for you on a fence
If that is what you wish.
Compose it standing on the stairs
Or in an unwashed dish.
I have no fear of rhyming,
No hang-ups and no cares.
On rooftops they all know me
As the pussycat Pam Ayres.
I do rhyming in the kitchen
And I versify in the loo.
I do doggerel in the dining room
And odes in the living room, too.
But I versify not in the bedroom -
On your bed I'll give forth not a peep
Except only for the gentlest of snore
To let you know I'm fast asleep

If you don't like it, keep it to yourself, eh?

1 comment:

Gob said...
