Thursday, March 29, 2018


It's a Google plot.
So far in my quest to go from Post 288 to Post 300 at a rate approximating one a day I have had more trouble with the publishing than with the writing. Nothing works. Whatever I do.
As the regular reader may have noticed, I tried switching font from Times New Roman to Franklin Gothic Medium and at first that seemed to work. It didn't last. Yesterday's printing struggle was an absolute nightmare.
The end result had me swearing softly because original wording had to be cut or amended in places, but at least it's readable; if a trifle untidy.
I am in no doubt that this is all my own fault. Technology moves apace and a pleasant blog format in 2006 has to be overdue for updating in 2018. For a start, the number of words that old format will sensibly accommodate?
Don't ask me, ask the faceless Silent Bobs at Google and see where it gets you. If they ever spoke out it would only be to tell you there are great blog formats obtainable on Google Gold.
And that's where they mean you to be.
It's a Google plot; depending on your point of view of course.
Me? I could scream the scream
(with apologies to Edvard Munch)

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