Wednesday, September 27, 2006

24. As a newcomer to this blog lark...

As a newcomer to this blog lark I am just starting to learn how its influence has spread.
Tonight on our local television news station we learned of a young woman politician who has abandoned her blogspot because the anticipated positive responses from her party supporters were too strongly offset by the excessively insulting negativity of her opponents.
Sure, the words heat and kitchen are bound to spring to mind, especially if you, like me, regard all politicians as a pain in the backside.
But I must admit to a faint sense of indignation that an individual should be ousted from anywhere by browbeaters.
Bullies are such scum.

On Sunday and Monday, Spooks, the fast moving BBC1 spy drama was back.
England was in turmoil (when isn't it?) and apart from Adam (Rupert Penry-Jones), Harry (Peter Firth) and their lovely rough-housing spycatchers, only the Bloggers of the nation seemed to know what was happening.
I didn't know much either, except that Nicholas Jones and John Castle were a couple of bad'uns.
But with the help of those sharp- eyed Bloggers...need I say more?

I've got to go. there's a new series of Wire In The Blood with Robson Green (whatever happened to the other one?) and a lass called Simone Lahbib (of whom I know nothing) on tonight.
I'll have to record The Magnificent Seven on ITV3.
Shall have to find a tape and try to remember to write down what I have recorded on the tape I remove.
Bit of a game sometimes, innit?
Dennis Barnden

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