Wednesday, September 27, 2006

19. I have just left an episode of Dad's Army showing on the box.

I have just left an episode of Dad's Army showing on the box.
Lovely programme which, under one pretext or another, has been repeated far too many times.
I am old enough to remember the real thing.
Had an office colleague who was the Pikey of his local Home Guard platoon.
He said the television series accurately depicted his unit right down to individual character types.
Seems his platoon commander was a pompous solicitor and his sergeant a charming housemaster from a local public school. Mainwaring and Wilson really did live.
There are far fewer of their type now.
Indeed, if the hordes of terrorists subtly alluded to by scaremongering governments ever do come pelting down our high streets, I wonder whether anyone will be so bold, so dogmatic or so foolish as to declare: 'We're not standing for this. We're British.'
And if they do, I wonder whether they will find themselves supported by one likeminded soul who believes that the simplest form of defence is the cold steel.
Well, whatever happens I shan't be around for it.
Which is just as well because I think the whole damned war thing should have come to an end after Hiroshima.
Justin Thyme

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